The GamesYouLoved Team headed up to Gateshead, Tyne & Wear to do that very thing on Saturday 30th June. In weeks previously we had been following the journey of the organiser and brains behind this unique retro event Phillip Murphy. Phillip had taken his passion for retrogaming and put something back into the community. As in the North East - nothing like this had been seen before.
For the months preceeding GamesYouLoved had felt the excitement around the event and put out facebook posts, tweets and even interviewed Phillip on his quest for gaming goodness.
It was a great event in the making...

We had a job to do in setting up our stand. But as the machines started to be turned on from the early arrival of the engineers and amazing people (mentioned below) who's dedication means that gamers today can get into this world. We were back to the 70s and 80s all over again.

..it was 1984 all over again....

...compose...focus...we're GamesYouLoved...come on guys
...we couldn't for a while!! This was retrogaming at the heart of our passion and we loved what was there and what everyone who was just about to arrive was going to enjoy...this was going to be a great day.

The noise!! The awesome sounds of row upon row of machines pumped out..the DJ played retro tune..we played out gaming music from our own system from commodore 64 original tunes, arcade sounds to the new wave of remixed sounds from Audio Sprite
The great thing about the day fo us - was talking to gamers - what they felt about gaming and why they had came to NERG. Every story was different - some guys ran their own YouTube channel and had a massive life dedication to the gaming world. Others played now and again and were getting into retro more and more. Some were just fairweather gamers curious for the old world of gaming. But what was true having spoken to people - was that events like www.northeastretrogaming.com had brought this passion of retrogaming alive back in them..And now it was never going to leave.
And at GamesYouLoved that was all we could ask for!

You can see our mini Tour of the show and just a few of the Gamers we spoke to
via our YouTube Channel. Click the link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf0JRd1BkAI

We would like to thank and recognise the following people
for their massive contribution to NERG.
The event wouldn't have been same without them:
Retro Games Party - www.retrogamesparty.co.uk
Northern Lights Pinball Show - www.ukpinball.com
Arcade Dreams - www.facebook.com/pages/Arcadedreams
UKVAC - http://www.ukvac.com/forum
It’s a blog with full of latest and spectacular information’s and photograph – This blog has helped me to gain much more information on gaming tour . I would like to appreciate the blog owner for his efforts