Wednesday 9 April 2014

RIP The Ultimate Warrior

You may have grown out of it as you grew older - others still love it, but when we were kids WWF (WWE) Wrestling was a huge part of our childhood!  These guys were heroes, they were full of muscles some were large and some were small but each had charisma and their own style and personality. 

We grew up with these guys bashing the hell out of each other with their fists, chairs and anything that they can get their hands on.

We each had our favourites but nobody can deny that The Ultimate Warrior was everything every childhood wrestling fan wanted. He weighed in at a huge 275 pounds, 6ft 2" tall,  
 had muscles on muscles and with his multi coloured facepaint and over the top intensity he was pure awesomeness. 

Many wrestlers couldn't stand up to his power and strength and he feared nobody! His career peaked when he took on possibly the most iconic wrestler of all time Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania V1 headlined as the Ultimate Challenge!

In this huge match up the Warrior defeated Hogan for (both WWF Belts) with his trademark Gorrila Press move and then continued to own the ring in a hail of applause and fireworks for sometime after.

The Ultimate Warrior is a WWE icon and hero to many, every child of our generation will have memories running down to the ring at 100 MPH shaking the ropes and striking fear into his opponent, he even beat Andre the Giant in 30 seconds!   Who else could do that!!!

So today just take a minute close your eyes and remember the man from parts unknown!

We will always believe


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